
The Stop Hunger platform was launched in March 2020 to help coordinate COVID-19 related relief efforts among various NGOs operating in and around Mahadevapura, Bangalore.

The current focus is to provide food, rations, including vegetables, and water for people who need the most!

The following chart shows how far are we away from the goal!

As a citizen, you can contribute by identifying such people who live in various settlements.

If you are an NGO, using this platform, you can quickly shortlist settlements to receive your help, and then share the details of your delivered relief efforts. You can submit information about your past relief efforts as well.

 Relief Maps & Status

Map showing the locations of the settlements and the latest relief status is available at https://maps-stophunger.mapshalli.org/.

Sample screenshot as of 11-May-2020. For the latest status, please visit the above page.

View the latest relief effort status and summary.

Register information about a needy group

If you know about people living in a settlement who need help, please register them and request for help.

Submit your relief efforts

Please submit your relief efforts for a settlement previously registered in the Stop Hunger platform. For example, if you have delivered food packets to a group of people, use the link below to submit the details. This will help the NGOs in not duplicating the efforts and ensure all the needy people are served.


Please write to stophunger@mapshalli.org